Supporting shelters for refugee children from Ukraine and families in Romania
Supporting shelters for refugee children from Ukraine and families in Romania with child protection, mental health and psycho-social support services and outreach
Duration: May – November 2022
Sponsor: Plan International
- Supporting a transit center in Suceava in partnership with the Kayros Association;
- Setting up a day center for mothers and children within the transit center;
- Mediation to secure rent through the government’s 50/20 program;
- Long-term rental support for 19 families;
- Support activities for families in Bucharest, Sinaia and Bușteni;
- Bucharest transit center support until the end of June 2022;
- 60 families from Ukraine supported in Bucharest for integration.
Supporting a transit center in Suceava in partnership with the Kayros Association;
Setting up a day center for mothers and children within the transit center;
Mediation to secure rent through the government's 50/20 program;
Long-term rental support for 19 families;
Support activities for families in Bucharest, Sinaia and Bușteni;
Bucharest transit center support until the end of June 2022;
60 families from Ukraine supported in Bucharest for integration.
0 toleranță la abuz sexual și violență împotriva copiilor. Organizație aliniată la politicile PSEA
See PSEA FDP Policy and PSEA Code of Conduct
- Educational kits for children;
- Social vouchers (food);
- Medical and legal services;
- Romanian language courses;
- Emotional support;
- Support for playgrounds for children and adolescents with materials and activities (one in Suceava, the WONDER Center in Bucharest, a community center in Sector 3);
- Training and mentoring of staff and volunteers who work and communicate with refugee children and families on MHPSS;
- Individual activities for children and caregivers in collaboration with mental health professionals (occupational therapy, art therapy, play therapy for children, dance lessons, summer camps, sports activities, trips, etc.);
- 5 summer camps with the participation of over 150 people (mothers, children).
Educational kits for children;
Social vouchers (food);
Medical and legal services;
Romanian language courses;
Emotional support;
5 summer camps with the participation of over 150 people (mothers, children).
Support for playgrounds for children and adolescents with materials and activities (one in Suceava, the WONDER Center in Bucharest, a community center in Sector 3);
Training and mentoring of staff and volunteers who work and communicate with refugee children and families on MHPSS;
Individual activities for children and caregivers in collaboration with mental health professionals (occupational therapy, art therapy, play therapy for children, dance lessons, summer camps, sports activities, trips, etc.);
Other projects
Humanitarian assistance for people fleeing the armed conflict in Ukraine seeking refuge
Humanitarian assistance for people fleeing the armed conflict in Ukraine seeking refuge in the municipality of Galati, Romania and for
The „HUB Isaccea” Project
Warehouse for the collection and distribution of goods to the population affected by the armed conflict
Humanitarian aid for Ukrainians fleeing war
Supporting the Ukrainian population victims of the conflict and the local vulnerable population (persons with disabilities and their families, minors,