About the platform
EduacCES.ro a free platform, an educational resource center that helps teachers who deal with children with special educational needs (SEN) to adapt their teaching to their specific needs, as well as parents or other education professionals.
The platform was launched in April 2021 and is an important project of our association, through which we want to create and connect a national community, which will become promoters of the social inclusion of children with SEN.
The EduacCES platform provides users with more than 1,500 educational resources, facilitates the exchange of experiences and content sharing among members, and provides counseling from specialists.
What does the EduacCES platform offer?
"Resources" section
In the "Resources" section of the platform, users have access to various models of teaching materials and the option to filter them by diagnosis or learning level.
"Useful Links" Section
In the "Useful Links" section, games and non-formal activities are available that specialists can use in adapting their teaching methods.
Upload Resources for children with SEN
Any professional who has identified, adapted, tested effective teaching solutions in the interaction with a child with SEN that can serve the entire community, has the opportunity to create an account and upload an unlimited number of documents. One of the objectives of the project is the continuous expansion of this online learning center where the exchange of experience is encouraged, an important aspect in generating a real change at the national level being the connection of specialists with each other.
Talk to an expert
The platform has a "Talk to an expert" section where users, parents and teachers can ask questions related to their activities with children and receive consultations on challenges encountered in the classroom.
Availability in 4 languages
The platform is also available in Hungarian, German and English, thus meeting the needs of a larger number of beneficiaries.
In Romania there are over 100,000 children and young people with SEN, potential beneficiaries of the eduacces.ro platform
The education system, state or private, is not prepared to ensure equal access to education for all children, on the one hand because the number of school counselors and speech therapists is too small, which reduces the time and attention given to each child, and on the other partly because many teachers do not feel sufficiently prepared in terms of the school and social inclusion of children with SEN.
Thus, the provision of adapted educational resources are an extra help given to teachers and specialists in an effort to include children with special educational needs.
The project was financed by the Vodafone Romania Foundation and is an integrative initiative through which we want to promote the need to adapt subjects to the specifics of each learning difficulty that children with SEN encounter in the classroom.
What are teachers saying about the EduacCES platform?
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