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Inclusion in the classroom

The intervention of the FDP Association – Protagonists in Education is based on the development of methods and resources through which teachers and parents can support the development and integration of children regardless of the diagnosis they have

How we bring inclusion to the classroom

Currently, more than 100,000 children in Romania are diagnosed with special educational requirements, their actual number being much higher.

Since classroom teachers and teaching staff do not have the necessary training to address the individual diagnoses of children with learning difficulties, the latter are constantly at risk of exclusion and school abandonment.

The limited access to adapted educational methods makes the educational path of children difficult, thus reaching high rates of school abandonment, especially for preparatory classes/grade I or for grade V. Children with Special Educational Needs (autism, behavioral disorders, dyslexia, dysgraphia, sensory disorders, etc.) do not benefit from adequate support from education specialists, the number of school counselors and itinerant teachers being very small compared to the number of children with SEN.

The intervention of the FDP Association - Protagonists in Education is based on the development of methods and resources through which teachers and parents can support the development and integration of children regardless of the diagnosis they have.

Lasting partnerships

By developing partnerships with the schools the children that come to the WONDER Center belong to, with qualified support provided by school counselors and itinerant teachers, we intervene so that the risk of exclusion and abandonment no longer looms over children with learning difficulties. Thus, we ensure that the therapeutic plan made by our therapists is in line with the educational one.

Counseling and inclusion

Learning difficulties due to some diagnoses, in addition to social difficulties, the impossibility of connecting with the requirements of online classes, increase the risk of exclusion of these children. The burden faced by families in accessing specific therapeutic services deepenes the children's behavioral and emotional problems, increases the challenges parents face, increases the number of unfinished school situations, respectively the chances of school abandonment. Parents need specific counseling and guidance to understand their child's diagnosis, how to value the child and develop life skills

The child-parent-school approach

Through the integrated child-parent-school/teaching staff-community approach, we promote a model of inclusion of children with special educational requirements, based on the generation of resources for all those involved: teachers/school-children-parents.

We aim to support these children both in the sphere of personal development, in the family, but also in the school environment and in the community.

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