Safety without borders support of mother and children coming from the ucrainian conflict areea
Safety without borders support of mothers and children coming from the Ukrainian conflict area for ensuring decent living conditions during their stay in Romania
Duration: June – December 2022
Sponsor: UNICEF
- Safety without borders – supporting mothers and children from the Ukrainian conflict zone to ensure decent living conditions during their stay in Romania.
Safety without borders – supporting mothers and children from the Ukrainian conflict zone to ensure decent living conditions during their stay in Romania.
See PSEA FDP Policy and PSEA Code of Conduct
- More than 170 people in transit received support;
- Over 20 families supported through rent and with vouchers;
- Medical support;
- Legal support;
- Educational/family kits;
- 2 playgrounds;
- Social vouchers;
- Food/non-food products;
- Over 30 educational, recreational sessions (arts & crafts activities, games, painting workshops) where the children of the program participated;
- Group and individual counseling sessions.
More than 170 people in transit received support
Medical support
Legal support
Educational/family kits
Over 20 families supported through rent and with vouchers
2 playgrounds
Social vouchers
Food/non-food products
Group and individual counseling sessions
Over 30 educational, recreational sessions (arts & crafts activities, games, painting workshops) where the children of the program participated
Other projects
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