COVID-19 response capacity support for Uasin Gishu and Elgeyo Marakwet counties in Kenya
Support for the emergency response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Aim of the project: Providing protective equipment, training and awareness activities for medical staff and the local community in Labutta, Ayeyarwady Region (9,750 people from the 65 villages of Labutta)
Duration: September 2020
Location: Labutta, Ayeyarwady Region
Sponsor: Agency for International Development Cooperation (RoAid)
- AVSI Myanmar
- Supply of personal protective equipment and disinfectant materials to the two counties: 1,500 surgical masks, 150 filter masks, automatic dispensers and disinfectants for 10 medical units
- training sessions for 100 medical professionals and health workers on COVID-19 response measures
Supply of personal protective equipment and disinfectant materials to the two counties: 1,500 surgical masks, 150 filter masks, automatic dispensers and disinfectants for 10 medical units
Training sessions for 100 medical professionals and health workers on COVID-19 response measures
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