“Emotions cannot be touched, but they touch us”
“Emotions cannot be touched, but they touch us” was the first phrase of the day that opened a new work week for eight of our colleagues—specialists (educators, psychologists, social workers). They will be carried by the wave of positive emotions, in a place where colors find their voice, and shapes become life stories.
Our goal is to build a bridge between art and the hearts of children with SEN and their parents. With every brush lifted and then placed on paper, we open windows to new ways of expression and healing. This week, our colleagues will dedicate themselves to discovering and learning concrete practices of co-creative art therapy. By the end of the program, the FDP team will be ready to successfully implement art therapy in their work with the children at the WONDER center.
Sesiunile de terapie artistică fac parte din proiectul “Art AcCEss – From Art Therapy to Access to Education”, implementat în parteneriat cu Accorde Emeraude din Franța.
Proiectul, finanțat de Comisia Europeană prin programul Erasmus+, se va desfășura în perioada 04.12.2023 – 03.06.2025 și este un parteneriat de cooperare Erasmus+ care urmărește crearea unei noi abordări de predare a învățării atunci când se lucrează cu copiii diagnosticați cu CES (cerințe educaționale speciale) folosind metode de terapie prin artă.
#FDP #ArtAcCEss #TerapieArtistică #CopiiCuCES #Co-Creativitate #EmoțiiPozitive #SăptămânăNouă
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