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Who are we

Childs hand and old hand grandmother. Concept idea of love family protecting children and elderly people grandmother friendship togetherness relationship Two generation.

Our values


The person is at the core of all our actions, at its value is not defined by the circumstances in which they find themselves. We promote the uniqueness of each person and support them to reach their true potential

Togetherness: to accompany and be accompanied

The power of ‘together’ is the force that brings us together to change destinies

We learn from experiences and put the lessons we learned to good use:

Through access to education we learn and evolve, capitalizing on each experience to its fullest potential

Involvement of stakeholders:

We aim to involve everyone: beneficiaries, specialists, partners, donors, the private sector

Our Mission

We promote education and social inclusion of the most vulnerable people in our communities and we support them to become protagonists of their own lives.

We have been here for over 27 years and put empathy fist in our activity. We work daily to offer equal access to education and a normal childhood for disadvantaged children. We encourage them to build an autonomous life, healthy relationships and a high level of self-esteem.

Our Vision

From our point of view, each person is unique and can make the most of their talents through equal access to education and integration within their communities, regardless of their differences.

We believe education changes lives and through the power of empathy we aim to develop a safer, more inclusive community, where each person has the right to a better future.

Our History

  • We are launching the IMPACT Ludești project, Dâmbovița county, financed by the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2020, through the "Local Development Program, reducing poverty and increasing the inclusion of Roma", implemented by the Romanian Social Development Fund, as Program Operator.
  • We celebrated 25 years since our funding! We began the series of celebratory events with a meeting with Mireille Yoga, a member of the Edimar social center in Cameroon, who has been helping thousands of children abandoned on the streets of Cameroon since 2002
  • We opened the WONDER Center, a program funded by AVSI USA, UPS and other private donors whose aim is to prevent school dropout for 45 children with SEN (special educational needs), to reduce learning difficulties through therapeutic and educational activities adapted to the children's needs. The 2nd edition of the Donate with Pago application designated the "Happy Heart, WONDERful Mind" project among the winning causes in the education section;
  • Through the program "În Stare de Bine" financed by Kaufland Romania and implemented by the Foundation for the Development of Civil Society, the project "SPORT 4 GIRLS, SPORT 4 ALL" took place, which aimed to increase the access of girls from marginalized/Roma communities to sports activities (football, handball, dance), developing a model of education through sports for 65 children from vulnerable backgrounds;
  • The children of the Social Sports School participated for the fourth time in the sports competition (Copa Alma) where our team won the #selfesteem trophy.

3 central pillars of FDP involvement in communities

Preventing school abandonment among children from disadvantaged backgrounds

Specific goals:

  • Yearly activity of our Social Sports School programme in Bucharest for 115 children from disadvantaged backgrounds, in collaboration with public institutions across 3 different districts
  • Promoting and supporting equal access to education for children from disadvantaged backgrounds in rural areas
  • Preventing school abandonment among children with SEN (special educational needs) through access to therapeutic services in our WONDER day center and by promoting social inclusion of children with SEN in regular schools through
Reducing the risk of social exclusion for children/youth/families from disadvantaged backgrounds

Specific goals:

  • Offering specific therapies for children with SEN from disadvantaged backgrounds and their parents
  • Facilitating access to housing and health services for HIV positive youth
  • Reducing poverty by making energy more efficient in isolated areas
Maintaining and extending activities of international cooperation

Specific goals:

  • Supplying medical and protection equipment to disadvantaged rural area and refugee camps in Lebanon, Kenya, Myanmar, Kazakhstan
  • Preventing school abandonment and offering educational and socially inclusive activities for vulnerable children and youth in Lebanon, Kenya, Myanmar, Kazakhstan

Support our mission


  • Lansăm proiectul IMPACT Ludești, jud. Dâmbovița finanțat prin Granturile SEE și Norvegiene 2014-2020, prin “Programul Dezvoltare locală, reducerea sărăciei și creșterea incluziunii romilor”, implementat de Fondul Român de Dezvoltare Socială, în calitate de Operator de Program.

  • Am implinit 25 de ani de la înființare! Am deschis seria evenimentelor dedicate sărbătoririi celor 25 de ani printr-o întâlnire cu Mireille Yoga, membru al centrului social Edimar din Camerun, care din 2002 ajută mii de copii abandonați pe străzile din Camerun;
  • Prin programul „În Stare De Bine” finanțat de Kaufland România și implementat de Fundația pentru Dezvoltarea Societății Civile am derulat proiectul „Egalitate şi echitate prin sport”, al cărui scop a fost promovarea sportului în rândul celor 70 de copii înscrişi în Şcoala Socială Sportivă, menţinerea fetelor în activități sportive, precum și diminuarea atitudinilor discriminatorii;
  • Cu sprijinul ING Bank am derulat proiectul inovativ „S-a făcut lumină!”, care și-a propus îmbunătățirea calității vieții a 27 de familii din Pata Rât, jud. Cluj (Rampa), care trăiesc în condiții de sărăcie extremă prin dotarea cu panouri solare și sobe;
  • Am implementat proiectul „Together we can! Experiences of change and support of families at risk“, principalul scop fiind dezvoltarea abilităților părintești și sporirea stimei de sine în rândul celor 25 de părinți expuși riscului de excludere socială;
  • Am implementat proiectul Educația – Centrul Schimbării în Comunitate 2017-2021, având ca scop creșterea accesului la educație pentru copii și tineri proveniți din familii dezavantajate, prin crearea unui spațiu comunitar care să deservească la dezvoltarea comunității Pata Rât- Cluj, printr-o intervenție integrată;
  • Am dezvoltat un parteneriat solid, cu un trust media, determinând astfel creșterea vizibilității și dezvoltarea programului Școala Socială Sportivă;
  • Am susţinut 80 de mame tinere din comunități defavorizate, cu activități tip școala părinților, consiliere, cu produse pentru bebeluși în Cluj și Dâmbovița;
  • FDP implementează primul proiect de cooperare internațională „Femei active în comunitate, responsabile în familie” – Creșterea participării femeilor din Betleem și regiunea Hebron, Palestina, la viața socială” ;
  • Am implementat primul proiect de combatere a formelor discriminării, „BEAMS Breaking Down European Attitudes towards Migrant / Minority Stereotypes” ;
  • Se semnează parteneriatul strategic cu Fundația Real Madrid în vederea deschiderii Școlii Sociale Sportive la București;
  • FDP înființează 6 centre regionale care oferă servicii de ocupare în localități urbane (București, Arad, Cluj, Dâmbovița, Olt, Gorj) și 13 centre rurale în comunități din județele Arad și Dâmbovița;
  • FDP începe implementarea a trei proiecte strategice finanțate din Fondul Social European care permit consolidarea intervenției în domeniul ocupării și educației și dezvoltă o nouă direcție, cea a economiei sociale;
  • Experiența FDP în domeniul HIV este recunoscută la nivel internațional și transferată unor specialiști din Kazakhstan în cadrul unui parteneriat cu organizația Maksora;
  • Are loc inaugurarea Centrului de servicii pentru integrarea profesională a adulților și tinerilor în dificultate din Arad;
  • Am demarat, la nivel național, programul de integrare profesională;
  • Punctul de lucru Cluj-Napoca devine filială cu personalitate juridică.
  • Am deshis primele apartamente în care tinerii dezinstituționalizați trăiesc autonom;
  • La Cluj am înfiinţat Centrul de dezvoltare a abilităților de viață independentă pentru tineri – programul „Compania”.
  • Am deschis centrul de zi „Luigi” în București;
  • FDP a iniţiat campania de sensibilizare privind integrarea copiilor dezinstituționalizați în școli, la nivelul a 11 județe;
  • FDP demarează încă un proiect de dezinstituționalizare a copiilor abandonați, mulțumită căruia, alți 7 copii sunt integrați în familii de asistenți maternali.
  • În apropiere de București am deschis a doua casă de tip familial pentru 7 copii abandonați;
  • În București am deschis a treia casă de tip familial pentru 5 copii abandonați.
  • În apropiere de București am deschis prima casă de tip familial pentru 9 copii abandonați;
  • Am început intervenţia în comunitatea de romi din satul Iazu, Cojasca județul Dâmbovița;
  • Cu sprijinul UNICEF am început primul proiect de dezinstituționalizare a copiilor abandonați în Spitalul „Dr. Victor Babeș” și Vidra;
  • Am intervenit în regim de urgență în județul Mureș în favoarea victimelor inundațiilor.
  • Am început programul „Susținere la distanță” în favoarea copiilor de la Centrul ”Sfânta Ecaterina” din București și a familiilor în dificultate din județul Cluj;
  • În parteneriat cu organizația AVSI am restructurat pavilionul pediatric „Casa Doru” din Spitalul”Dr. Victor Babeș”.

Our History

  • We are launching the IMPACT Ludești project, Dâmbovița county, financed by the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2020, through the "Local Development Program, reducing poverty and increasing the inclusion of Roma", implemented by the Romanian Social Development Fund, as Program Operator.
  • We celebrated 25 years since our funding! We began the series of celebratory events with a meeting with Mireille Yoga, a member of the Edimar social center in Cameroon, who has been helping thousands of children abandoned on the streets of Cameroon since 2002
  • We opened the WONDER Center, a program funded by AVSI USA, UPS and other private donors whose aim is to prevent school dropout for 45 children with SEN (special educational needs), to reduce learning difficulties through therapeutic and educational activities adapted to the children's needs. The 2nd edition of the Donate with Pago application designated the "Happy Heart, WONDERful Mind" project among the winning causes in the education section;
  • Through the program "În Stare de Bine" financed by Kaufland Romania and implemented by the Foundation for the Development of Civil Society, the project "SPORT 4 GIRLS, SPORT 4 ALL" took place, which aimed to increase the access of girls from marginalized/Roma communities to sports activities (football, handball, dance), developing a model of education through sports for 65 children from vulnerable backgrounds;
  • The children of the Social Sports School participated for the fourth time in the sports competition (Copa Alma) where our team won the #selfesteem trophy.
  • We implemented the project Education - Community Change Center 2017-2021, with the aim of increasing access to education for children and young people from disadvantaged families, by creating a community space that serves the development of the Pata Rât-Cluj community, through an integrated intervention
  • We developed a solid partnership with a media trust, thereby increasing the visibility and development of the Social Sports School program;
  • FDP opens and inaugurates the Parent and Child Counseling and Support Center in Bucharest;
  • The Center for Employment and Professional Training Services in Bucharest is inaugurated.
  • We implemented the first project to combat forms of discrimination, "BEAMS Breaking Down European Attitudes towards Migrant / Minority Stereotypes";
  • The strategic partnership with the Real Madrid Foundation is signed in order to open the Social Sports School in Bucharest;
  • FDP establishes 6 regional centers that offer employment services in urban localities (Bucharest, Arad, Cluj, Dâmbovița, Olt, Gorj) and 13 rural centers in communities in the Arad and Dâmbovița counties;
  • FDP begins the implementation of three strategic projects financed from the European Social Fund that allow the consolidation of intervention in the field of employment and education and develops a new direction, that of the social economy;
  • FDP's experience in the field of HIV is internationally recognized and shared with specialists from Kazakhstan in a partnership with the Maksora organization;
  • The inauguration of the Service Center for the professional integration of adults and young people in difficulty in Arad;
  • We started, at the national level, the professional integration program;
  • The Cluj-Napoca office becomes a subsidiary with legal identity.
  • We opened the first apartments where deinstitutionalized young people live independently;
  • We established the Center for the development of independent life skills for young people - the "Compania" program in Cluj.
  • We opened the “Luigi” day center in Bucharest
  • FDP initiated the awareness campaign for the integration of deinstitutionalized children in schools, at the level of 11 counties;
  • FDP starts yet another project of deinstitutionalization of abandoned children, thanks to which, 7 more children are integrated into foster families.
  • We opened a second family home for 7 abandoned children, near Bucharest;
  • We opened the third family home for 5 abandoned children in Bucharest.
  • We opened a first family home for 9 abandoned children, near Bucharest;
  • We started the intervention in the Roma community in the village of Iazu, Cojasca, Dâmbovița county;
  • With the support of UNICEF, we started the first project to deinstitutionalize abandoned children in the "Dr. Victor Babeș" Hospital and Vidra;
  • We intervened in Mureș county to aid flood victims.
  • We started the "Remote Support" program in favor of the children from the "Sfânta Ecaterina" Center in Bucharest and families in difficulty from Cluj County;
  • In partnership with the AVSI organization, we restructured the "Casa Doru" pediatric pavilion in the "Dr. Victor Babeș" Hospital.
