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Donate for Children

Do a monthly good deed for education and inclusion


Why become a monthly donor?

Almost 215,000 children did not complete even 8 grades at the end of 2021

Romania remains the leader in the top countries where children choose to drop out of school early.

More than 100,000 children in Romania with special educational needs (SEN) find it difficult to find their place in school

...and the current educational system does not have the capacity to support them to be integrated more easily.

Poor living conditions, limited education of the parents, children living in single-parent household, large families or being raised by grandparents are some of the causes of abandonment.

A large number of them struggle with various ailments and have learning difficulties, which leads to their social exclusion.

We believe that education is a universal right and every child deserves to have equal and unlimited access to knowledge.

Social exclusion produces isolation, loneliness and the impossibility for these children to dare to dream ofmore.

Let's prevent school dropouts together

In the FDP association, we aim to turn difficulties into learning opportunities for underprivileged children who face obstacles in accessing equal education and realizing their talents. 

We are here to support them for a better future, where education will always guide their steps. No child deserves to suffer, live in poverty, or be rejected by others. 

No child deserves to feel lonely in their family, school, or community. They do not deserve to miss out on a normal childhood.

“Only together can we make a real impact in their lives. 

You are the one who can make a difference with us! By making a monthly donation, you contribute to change and inclusion. 

You can support that innocent child who will one day follow their dream.”

Peste 400 de copii beneficiari direcți ai proiectelor noastre au nevoie de tine.

Ei își pot depăși condiția dacă alegi să te implici.
Știm că sunt capabili să devină protagoniștii propriei vieți dacă ne au aproape.

Over 400 children who are direct beneficiaries of our projects need your help. They can overcome their circumstances if you choose to get involved. We know that they are capable of becoming the protagonists of their own lives if we are there to support them.

Spunem cu vehemență NU excluziunii sociale și promovăm accesul egal la educație pentru toți copiii.

Spunem DA incluziunii sociale și ajutorării persoanelor vulnerabile. Suntem alături de familii și le încurajăm să fie parte activă din educația și suportul copiilor.

We vehemently say NO to social exclusion and promote equal access to education for all children. We say YES to social inclusion and helping vulnerable persons. We stand with families and encourage them to be active participants in the education and support of their children.

Your contribution makes a difference for each of the 400 children!

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The reality is that donating 50 lei per month means more than you can imagine.
50 lei means access to therapy hours for a child, including physical therapy, speech therapy, dance, group activities, and education.
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A symbolic amount, multiplied by 1000 good people, gives us the power to help further. Let’s weekly involve vulnerable children in our care in sports and educational activities.
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We support annually over 1400 people who are living in poor conditions, at risk, and have limited access to education.

The power of working together helps them to grow up!

We want you to know that your donation is real and is used to support children. Our goal is to ensure the functioning of all programs we have created in support of children and to be with them every year. If you want to know more about how we use your donation, do not hesitate to write to us.

If you choose to make a monthly donation, it can be stopped at any time by sending a simple message to our team at

About FDP Association
